My Influenster journey began when I was up too late looking for ways to try new products and give my honest opinions about them. That's when I stumbled upon Influenster! Basically, Influenster is led by many companies who want product testers and honest feedback about their products. It's easy to join (just request an invite at! You'll take a few surveys to see if you qualify for certain products and it snowballs from there! I joined a few weeks ago and qualified for my first box a week after I joined. I was suprised it worked so fast and a little skeptic at first to be honest. I got the email saying I qualified for the #ChooseSargentoCheese voxbox, and I couldn't wait till it arrived! Bom bom bom it's here!!!!!
Click the link for the photo of my first voxbox! (i'm still learning this blogging thing, so bare with me!)
Click me to see my first voxbox!
The box came with a nifty little cheese stick cooler/holder. Pretty colors and very useful the way the summer heat has been! It also came with a voucher for free Sargento product and a dollar off coupon! Who doesn't love free stuff? If you want to join Influenster and have your opinion matter while trying free products, go to
awesome influenster! (<--- just clickity click!) =)